Sabtu, 05 Januari 2008

Give me one second

Everyday I hear people's talk
Everytime I listen to him....
Anytime I can, I give attention so much to him
And sometimes I just wanna scream
Give me one second, please....

I just wanna say : I love u but I can't do all of this...
I don't wanna go with your life...
I just want you
With all of your heart, not all of your talks...
With all of your soul, not all you do...

And with all of understanding for me...
Please... Just give me one second....

To realize, how beautiful you are with your silence...

Jumat, 04 Januari 2008

What's ur opinion bout sex??

There are so many boys and men said that they want to make love with me... Why?
I don't understand what they see from me... And sometimes it makes me hurt or uncomfort..

Am I too sexy? Or what? Which part did they see from me? How come do they want it?
I never wear sexy clothes... I just whatever I am...

There's a man who seriously wanna fuck with me. It's true. He asked me. And he is begging on me...
Why? Is there something wrong with me? Why must me?

Sometimes I think.... I can do sex before marriage. Yes, why not? If I love someone, it can be happened. But another part of myself told that it is wrong. I must be virgin until marriage....
Because I don't wanna make my husband feel disappointed with me...

Am I wrong? Please help me!!!

Hiks... Hiks...

Kamis, 03 Januari 2008

Across The Universe

This is the best film I've ever seen !

But, i feel that i was so stupid because honestly i'm not The Beatles' fan. So most songs I don't know the title and i couldn't sing.

The story is about a man named Jude that went to America looking for his father. Then, the story begins. He is an artist and when he gets to America, he met a mannamed Max and he fell in love with Max's sister named Lucy. They lived together in an apartment which Sadie has and with other people too, like Jo-Jo (guitarist, he is like Jimi Hendrix I think), Prudence (Asian-American girl). Sadie is a rock singer too.

This story is inspired by songs of The Beatles and it set up in middle of many demonstrations against America's war with Vietnam.

I think the best scene is when Max sings "Hey Jude". It is the best song, besides Across The Universe of course...

Well, it's really a must-seen movie, guys!

Rabu, 02 Januari 2008

Cultural studies and sinetron in Indonesia

Cultural studies is an indiciplinary science that sees things from media views. Not like Antropolgy that talks more about how the things are invented and when something is happened, but cultural studies discuss about the media-effect in people, how it goes and people's mindset about media.

For example, sinetron in Indonesia. The themes are always same every channel. Nowadays, many sinetron have the same issue: "Children and their imaginary mind". Last year, the horror and mistical sinetron was so popular. With this, we can see that it sets up people's thinking ( esp. women and housewives because they have more times spending in front of TV).

Many housewives are affected by the plot of the sinetron they watched. Even they don't take care of their family when the sinetron plays. There are prime-time for sinetron, starts from 6 pm until 11 pm (imagine that!). The housewives keep on watching more than 2 sinetron with different title and story.

So, this is what happened in my country now. Just a minute ago, my mom got angry with my brother just because he moved the channel into sports match from sinetron.

Well, i can not say anymore words to talk about this..... Any comment?